Human Resources

Assistant Human Resources Manager (Remote Position)

No Longer Accepting New Applications
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Our international clothing company is seeking for apassionate, driven individualto be anAssistant Human Resources Manager as a full-time remote position.

The ideal candidate has:

  1. Strong team management skills (and enjoys collaborating with a team!)

  2. Thoughtful web research skills. The role will require researching and finding the right candidates to hire into roles in various positions in the company.

  3. Detail oriented work ethic. The role is highly dependent on getting things done in a timely manner, and requires ensuring work done by various teams across the company is double checked for accuracy.

Role Responsibilities:

  • Perform research to find candidates to hire that match various roles in the company.
  • Coordinate and supervise the work of specialists and staff
  • Interview applicants about their experience, education and skills
  • Conduct new employee orientations
  • Manage and utilize a virtual assistant to optimize personal workflow

Additional Role Information:

    1. We’re looking specifically for someone who can take on this position full time (approximately 30 hours/week).
    2. The job can be done from your home, anywhere in the world.
    3. We provide annual bonuses based on performance.
    4. Time schedules can be flexible and we can come to an agreement in our work contract.
    5. Starting salary is $23 USD/hour.
So if you are passionate about human resources, love collaborating with a team, and have strong management skills, please feel free to apply and receive more details on the opportunity.

    *HINT* - Please give it your best in putting in the time and effort to thoroughly answer these questions - This is where we'll read through the applications and give you a response or not.

    1. Country & City of residence:

    2. Is English your first language?

    3. Time availability per week:

    4. Work experience:

    5. Why do you think you would be good at this job?

    6. What is your educational background in regards to business management and human resources?

    7. School, major and current GPA (if applicable):

    8. Interests/hobbies:

    9. Instagram Username:

    10. Applying for Marketing or Human Resources Role?

    11. Sun Sign, moon sign, rising sign: