Mini Test Photoshoot - Photography Content Creator

After you've submitted the finished photos and report in the page below - we'll review your work and pick our best candidates for a video call to negotiate hours and salary in a contract to get you started in the role as soon as possible!

Please submit your finished photos in a Google Photos Album Link 
and the logbook report to your open application at

This hands-on test below will help us get an idea of what your actual work will look like for our brand. Please do your best to create a great sample in this mini test to get the position!

1. Find a model/friend who wears AlienMood style/alternative style clothing.
The model can wear an outfit of their own alternative style clothes for the test photoshoot.

2. Do a single outfit photoshoot of that model and deliver a total of 8 finished and edited pictures of that shoot for us to review - 4 indoor shots and 4 outdoor shots.

3. Pick two alternative clothing items from any brand and do a product catalog shoot. Deliver 3 finished and edited pictures of those items for us to review.

(Example: Product photos where model is wearing product with one color background for use in item catalogs on our website. See examples here:

4. Write a report on how you did everything for the photoshoot and submit a logbook on how long each part of the process to do the photoshoots took for you to do.